
Hey, there!  I’m Brett Lockwood and over the past twenty years or so I’ve traveled to Canada numerous times for both business and pleasure.  During that time, I’ve gained  a deep appreciation for many aspects of Canadian culture and its people.  For such a wonderful land, it’s peculiar to me that Canada is frequently off the radar screen by many people in the country immediately south of its border.

So, these postings are a way to share my reflections on Canadian arts and culture and to spread greater awareness of what’s going on with our good neighbor up north.  It also offers the incidental benefit of educating me (and others) further about a people and their places that I hold close to my heart.

Professionally, I’m a business lawyer with Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP in Atlanta, focusing  on technology matters, cybersecurity, business acquisitions and other business transactions.

Photos on this site were taken by me, unless otherwise noted.


(Photo on Header / Home Page: B. Lockwood, Capstick, Nova Scotia)

693 responses

  1. Great blog Brett!
    It is nice to see such appreciation of Canadian culture by a neighbour. I am lucky to be a Canadian experiencing life on your side of the border. As an artist with a foot in both places I get to see first hand, what is different and what is similar.

  2. This is a beautiful blog. It gives me an opportunity to learn so much more about our beloved country! Since I’m new to this whole blogging world – I was kind of wondering just how you happened to stumble across my blog “mylittlecornerofthoughts” – I still find it so bizarre when people “like” something I wrote, and just how they found the post! Thanks 🙂

    • Thanks for your kind words. I agree that it’s fascinating to ponder how readers come across our writings. For my part, I let my curiosity, a few search terms and serendipity lead me to various “nooks and crannies” on the Web. Your site popped up in a search for writings on Canadian literature on WordPress. The fact that I used to be a teacher years ago and the thoughtful reflectiveness in your writing drew me in — and your site is quite nicely done by the way.

      • Thank you for replying Brett. I appreciate your comments on my writing. It’s interesting because I hope to be a teacher one day (I am in a Bachelor of Education program at the moment) so it’s really nice to hear from a previous teacher. Sincerely, NFaroogh

    • Moe, I will definitely be checking back on your “Whatever Works” site. Yes, great guess on the pic on the header — it was taken by me at Capstick up near the tip of Cape Breton, which is an amazingly beautiful place.

  3. I spent five years in Saskatchewan as a child before returning to the states. Haven’t been back to Canada for years other than a brief stop in Victoria on an Alaskan Cruise a couple years ago. I’d love to visit Montreal and Toronto. But in the summer…

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate it!

  4. Having altered my blinkered existence several years ago (knee-jerk little brother-ism), I have many compliments for your homeland as well (although never quite made it to Atlanta). Glad you enjoy our company and welcome!

    • Thanks and I’m all for keeping the blinkers off. As for Canada, yes, I truly enjoy the place. In fact, tonight finds me here in Quebec City relaxing after a long day of driving the Quebec countryside along the magnificent St. Lawrance River.

      • Amazing! Quebec City is one of my favourite cities in Canada.

        The history, the food, the people (esp the women). I could easily spend months in Old Quebec and come out with a hundred manuscripts and poems and probably tens of thousands of photos.

        Have a wonderful time! Hope the weather proves your friend.

  5. thanks for hopping over to my wordpress earlier on.
    I love your blog and love to read the write up on Canada. It is one of the many places which I hope I can visit one day. cheers.

  6. Thank you for liking Heru’s Light Brett. I will be following your writings here. I recall my grandfather being disappointed that when he and my grandmother emigrated from Scotland they couldn’t get their first choice of Canada as it wasn’t accepting ex-service men and ‘families’, only single men. I have often wondered what life that would have meant for my mother, and indeed whether I would be here! I have been intrigued about the country and the place since, and know I have cousins there somewhere. I now live in my grandparents’ and mother’s lands of Scotland but through your blog I may get a taste of that ‘other land’. I look forward to it.

  7. Thank you for stopping by my blog Brett. I haven’t been to Canada yet, but will one day. I am still trying to cover all the United States. I have 30 to go. LOL

  8. Hi Brett! Thanks for stopping by Candle & Quill – glad you liked it! Your site looks lovely – Canada is a beautiful country – I have fond memories of time spent there!

  9. I don’t think it would take much for me to fall in love with Canada, even when I know it can be really cold in winter and my blood pressure forbids me to even entertain the thought of such cold.
    Yet, Germany is not different. At least it hasn’t been this last winter.
    As always, it’s what’s inside which reflects an appreciation of beauty as much as the beautiful scenery which surrounds us on the outside. 🙂

    • Jena, thanks for your kind words and your interesting remarks. In spite of its cold saesons, I hope you get to visit Canada at some point — there are many beautiful places throughout.

    • Karolyne, thanks for your kind and poetic words — both in your message here and in your writings on Heru’s Light. I think you and I see the beauty that is in ourselves, in others and in the world in much the same way.

      With kindness in return, Brett

  10. a wonderful blog…canada is so beautiful and for those who think it’s really cold, come to vancouver! i think we only had one snowfall this past winter! thank you for showcasing the beauty of my homeland. namaste, aleya

    • Aleya, thanks. It’s always intrigued me how the western and eastern shores of Canada experience fairly mild winters compared to the much colder interior regions. I like the way you’ve played with your name and “aloha” in your site — which I’ve now also added to my blogroll. Good wishes, Brett

    • Tim, your site is a moving testament to the valor of both your grandfather and his comrades in arms. The tragedy of World War I is often overshadowed by the slightly more recent World War II, but WWI arguably was the more wrenching conflict for its time. Helping all of us to remember that is important work and your site serves that cause well.

      • Cheers Brett. My site started as an interest, then research and then a book, but I didn’t look to make profit from this subject. WordPress and the like will really help commemorate the centenary with data that is freely available to the world.

  11. Hi Brett,

    Thank for visiting my blog and liking my photo. I am also a big fan of lonely, beutiful spaces of the North! I will to post some photos from Northern Europe later this year but first I gotta make the travel 🙂

  12. Nice reading about you

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may find something of your interest.

  13. Hey Brett, I am from the Detroit, Mi area and watched Hockey Night in Canada as well as other Canadian shows on the CBC and fell for Canadians long ago. I have been to Vancouve and Victoria in BC as well as Calgary and so enjoy engaging in conversation as the accent is wonderful! I agree Canada is overlooked by us and it is interesting to note that the media here barely mentions ANYTHING Canadian yet Canada follows its neighbor to the south, sad on us, eh?

    • Thanks for your comments. Your being up in Detroit probably exposes you a little more to Canada’s culture just north of you. I’m not sure exactly whether its American insularity in general, the fact that our population in the States is so much bigger that it makes it easier to focus inward rather than outward, or some other reason. Whatever the case, I agree that there’s a lot that is interesting north of our borders.

  14. Thank you for stopping by my blog, I’m glad you like my articles about Alaska and the Klondike.

    I also love Canada. As a girl growing up my family spent many summers visiting Toronto, St. Catherines. Love the light houses, and all the waters. The people we met in Canada were all very warm and friendly.

    • Jill, thanks. Both Alaska and the Klondike area are places on my must-see list. From your site, it looks like you’ve traveled far and wide.

  15. What a fabulous site – love the way you look at the world – your photos truly hit a sensory nerve – LOVE IT! And hey, thank you so much for stopping by my blog. You’ve reminded me that I’m now living in this wonderful province of British Columbia and you really do capture what one can easily begin to take for granted at times!

    • Joanne, thanks. I can see from your site that you have traveled a great deal — wow! I think traveling and seeing new things is wonderful for perspective, and, along the lines of what you mention, is helpful as a reminder of many things that we all take for granted at times.

  16. Hi, and thanks so much for visiting my blog and adding a ‘like.’ I’m fascinated with your own blog — first, for your interest in this almost-not-quite-the-same country next to your own, but also for so many of your interests that overlap with mine, e.g. Montreal (my home town) & Quebec City, street art, our west coast including Haida Gwaii) and even bicycles!

    • Hey, Penny, thanks for your comments and you’re a long way from home, by the way. I’ve visited your blog before and I like the quirky twist you’ve taken by focusing on sharing your walking encounters. A comment of yours also stuck with me about turning down blog awards, which I respected, understood and agreed with. As for Canada, its culture, as you mention, is very similar to that here in the States, but is noticeably more relaxed and the country as a whole is much less developed, which for me is a positive in terms of what’s most important. And, of course, in life there is so much (including people and their varied takes on life) about which to be curious and fascinated.

    • Divna, thanks for your kind words. Your blog, designs and photos are all excellent. I sometimes get mistaken for being from Canada but because I’m from the U.S., I’m only an “honorary” Canadian. Best to you, Brett

      • Oh, excuse me. I’ve got it wrong, because you have lots of photos from Canada. Anyway, I will continue to visit your blog, with pleasure.

    • Sharon, thanks for your nice comments. I really like your photos and the way they’re showcased on your site. The header photo is of Capstick, a small village up at the tip of Cape Breton, one of my favorite places in Atlantic Canada. Being in New Brusnwick, you’re right in the middle of similar amazing beauty.

  17. and you live south of us Why???
    Love this blog Brett…so many interesting ways to look at what is here.

    • Laurie, thanks for your comments. I ask myself your question a lot, which is partly why I write and learn more about Canada. While there are many great choices of location in your wonderful country, my heart seems drawn more to Atlantic Canada than elsewhere. Your artwork is quite gorgeous, by the way, and I love your subject matter.

      • Thank you Brett. I love the coast also. I really like BC. I was on Salt Springs Island years ago and was amazed. If my heart wasn’t here I think I would be there. But alas I am destined to live the wild and windy, rugged and rough, terrible beauty of this Island..:)

  18. What a marvelous concept, and welcome insights! As one who grew up a couple of hours’ drive from the BC border in Seattle and then a part-time Canadian for a dozen years while my husband conducted Pro Coro Canada (professional choir in Edmonton), I too cherish any time spent north of the border. I’ll enjoy reading your posts and learning more about our great neighbors!

    • Kathryn, thanks for your kind comments. Sounds like you’ve had quite the travel adventure given that you’re now in Texas as I see from your site. I like the range of creativity that runs through your site. Best, Brett

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog: Sarah on the Road and leaving a comment! Your photos and thoughts on Canada are pretty awesome. Hope you have a great day…and I’m glad you stumbled on my blog so in return I could stumble on yours! (however that happened)

  20. “It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw, not because she is Canada but because she’s something sublime that you were born into, some great rugged power that you are a part of. ”
    – Emily Carr

    Looking forward to following your blog and to our ongoing dialogue! There is always an adventure around the corner…

  21. Thanks for visiting my blog today and for the “like”! We love Canada and have vacationed in Victoria, BC, Banff and Jasper in Alberta, and the magical Quebec with its French flavor. It looks like photography is a nice break from the law business.

  22. You make me want to return the favour. I have lived in the United States and loved it. While traveling in the States – I’ve had so many great experiences. I think that people who have never had the opportunity to live in the US or sit down and converse with an American, can get very critical from all the bad press. I am Canadian and of course love my country and people. All countries suffer from bad political and environmental reps. All countries [the planet really] offer such breathtaking places and the people are always very interesting. I am very pleased you love our country and people.

  23. Hi Brett –

    Thank you for “liking” my post. I agree completely, that there is much about Canada that is wonderful (and little known and appreciated).

    Best wishes,


  24. It would seem that in your visits to Canada, you missed one of the key cultural cornerstones that Canadians hold dear. You see, the Canadian identity is grounded squarely in being smug about not being American. Then we frantically clamor to ape your culture and policies. We’re a sad people really.
    Nice photos on your blog though.

    • Thanks for these comments and I hope the move to Yellowknife is suiting you well.

      It’s interesting how close our two cultures are and for which there are many reasons. Cultural “insecurities” of the kind you mention are ones I’ve read about and heard mention of from some of my Canadian friends, but almost always with goodwill and a sense of not taking themselves too seriously. I respect that and realize that most societies have their quirks for good or for bad and that’s an essential part of what is worth paying attention to.



    • Thanks for your comments. I just visited your site. I love the way you show the reference images that inspire your pieces and the video progression is a nice touch as well. Bravo!

  25. Hi Brett, thanks for the kind comment over at islandgirlwalkabout.com. As you can tell from our posts, we too are having an amazing time during our extended visit to Canada this summer. Not only is Canada beautiful but the people have been extraordinary. We LOVE Canada. And our adventure continues …

    Hector and Brenda

    • Brenda, yes, you two seem to be having a great time. And the Canadian part of your adventure has started in the gorgeous maritime provinces. I’m both jealous and happy for you. Hope the good times keep rolling and look forward to staying abreast of your travels.


  26. Hi Brett. Thanks for checking out my recent post about B.C. I see we are fellow Atlantans. When we mentioned being from Atlanta, a number of Canadians commented about not seeing very many Southerners in that neck of the woods, especially the farther north we went on Vancouver Island. We loved B.C. and definitely want to go back with our children. I like your blog very much and your photography is beautiful. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Cheers.

    • Chris, glad to see we both have a good appreciation for our northern neighbor. British Columbia is beautiful and given the crazy heat this time of the year in Atlanta this would be a great time to be way up north. Glad to see that we’re both connected to Atlanta, which I’m not sure I realized when I saw mention of your B.C. trip. Love the quotes on your posts!

      Best, Brett

  27. You’ve a beautiful blog here. Thanks for dispelling the many misconceptions about your neighbour to the north, much better and more effective than we touting our own horn. Fact is… we are not inclined to do that. 😉 Thanks for visiting Ripple Effects… written right here in Calgary, Alberta.

    • Hey, Arti, thanks for your nice words. I have a good time writing and learning about Canada and sharing that. I did not catch earlier that you are writing Ripple Effects from Calgary. Very cool and good to know — I love such serendipity! I look forward to checking out more of your blog. Best, Brett

  28. I’m intrigued –one so seldom hears Americans with keen interest to blog often about Canada. Often it’s just visit for 1 shot. Or joke about Canada as an underling in the Western world.

    Great photos of your Nova Scotian trip this year.

    • Jean, thanks. There is so much richness to be found in Canada’s spectacular natural environment and its wonderful culture, that I find it amazing that more of us below your border don’t have a greater appreciation for Canada. So this is my two cents worth to better inform folks and to learn some things myself along the way.

      Best, Brett

  29. Thank you for visiting my page! Had you not done so, I’d have missed out on the fantastic posts you’ve shared! That such a beautiful landscape with potentially wonderful cultural immersions sits within a day’s drive from most of the U.S. is amazing. More amazing? That more Americans don’t take the drive. Cheers

  30. Thanks for the “likes”, I’m glad you stopped by my blog. As a Canadian, it warms my heart to see so much love from south of the border! Keep up the good work!

  31. Hi Brett,

    Thank you for checking out my blog! Like I said, I’m new to Canada but so far I love it! I never doubted liking it here since I’m always open to new adventures! I’m originally from Japan and raised in California (father was an officer in the Navy and my mother is Japanese). The funny thing about me landing in Canada is my grandmother was French Canadian from Quebec! I enjoyed viewing your pictures! You did a great job and look forward to seeing more!


    • Hey, Mary,

      I hope your transition to Canada continues to go well. You’re in B.C., which seems a nice compromise between California and your grandmother’s ties to Quebec. It sounds from your blog that you’re having an enjoyable adventure learning about your new location. Look forward to hearing more about that and good luck with your upcoming trip to Japan. Thanks for you kind comments on my photos as well.



  32. Thank you for this morning’s post of the paintings of Michael Glover. There is a sense of place in these that surely must come from a painter’s need to look closely. Perhaps that’s why photographs of places I’ve returned to seem more coherent and calmer. Then again, maybe I just get lucky. Enjoy your blog.

    • Thanks for your kind words. I like your observation about returning to places. Each new visit of even familiar places can bring new insights if we look closely.

  33. It’s funny, when I lived in Canada, I sort of took it all for granted I guess. I just assumed I would see more of my own country one day. I moved to Australia in 2001, and I have never yet been east of Manitoba. There is so much that I now wish I had seen and done. I am trying not to treat Australia the same way, and as a result I have been to every state. But I haven’t seen Uluru, or the Kimberley’s, or driven the Great Ocean Road, or been to Cairns…. I guess there’s something to be said for seeing the small stuff 🙂 Thanks for your wonderful blog! Through others, we can indeed see everything in the entire world!

    • I think that’s probably right about each of us sometimes taking things and places for granted. Years ago when I lived in New York, there were many parts of both of New York City and the state that I never visited and ended up probably seeing more of the City and the state only years later as a visitor. It sounds like you’re having a great time taking advantage of your stay in Australia. I know the region is immense, but if I were in that part of the world I’d include parts of New Zealand on my hit list as well.

      Thanks for your kind comments and best wishes for continued good explorations.

      All the best,


  34. Of course any Canadian will be flattered if any American takes interest in us. Thank you for your interest!
    There were 16 English colonies – 13 rebelled and three did not (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.) Those three were settled with lots of New England planters long before the Revolution.
    “English Canada” thus pre-dates the Revolution – something many people with a passing interest in history don’t notice.
    Interesting how history can work.

    • That’s an interesting piece of history for sure. The back and forth between the English and French and the English and colonists in early Canadian and American history is fascinating and makes for a lot of curious “what ifs”.

      • An interesting post on a CBC forum recently about the War of 1812 went something like, “Well, if it weren’t for -so and so-, the Americans would have conquered us.” Response: “But there are lots of places in the USA I’d like to live.”

  35. Brett, thanks for stopping in. I’m liking the premise of this blog! I have a confession to make — I live just outside Albany, NY, for 40 years now, and I have NEVER been to Canada! Shame on me. Always wanted to get up there, but never did – correction, never have, yet! I look forward to gaining some insight on our Canadian friends through your blog. Colleen

  36. Hi Brett, just to let you know I posted your wonderful Haiku on my blog with one of my photos. Since I am so not techy, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to pull it off…..but the link to your site works, so, yay!!!! Hope all is well and thank you again for the use of your wonderful Haiku!!!! I truly appreciate it!

  37. Hi Brett- Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. As a Canadian I am delighted by your subject matter! I live in Calgary and wonder if you had considered doing a post about the flood that ravaged our area in June. It has been reported as the costliest natural disaster in Canadian history More importantly… the spirit of Canadians and Albertans was wondrous to behold..strangers helping strangers…everywhere. It was a sea of positive humanity in the weeks that followed. Thanks again for your posts. We are a nice group, eh? 🙂

    • Sue, thanks. And, yes, you Canadians are indeed a good lot! The point you make about people coming together during the recent awful flooding in Calgary is a wonderful example of that spirit in the face of tremendous adversity.

      Continued good adventures to you.

      Best, Brett

  38. What an interesting idea for a blog. I am going to have to sit down and spend some time reading your posts. It is always interesting to hear other’s experiences of what we call “home”.

    • Deb, thanks. Here south of the U.S.-Canada border there is much misinformation about Canada and its culture, and my blog is a small effort to dispel some of that.

  39. i watch conspiracy theory vids for fun, most of it is about the states, but we have chem trails in Canada too 🙂 anyway, this girl.. somewhere in America, is a ‘targetted individual’ and she said ‘no it doesn’t only happen here, there’s Canada, but like noooobody listens to them’… she’s lucky we are polite haha. love your blog, love the love, thanks for visiting my blog too

    • Elaine, every now and then a good conspiracy theory makes for a fun diversion. That’s a funny comment by the targeted person! Hearing things like that it’s hard not to chuckle. But that perspective exists and it’s partly why I do what I do — to connect dots on both sides of our shared border. Keep up the nice things you’re doing on your own blog. Best, Brett

    • Hafong / Lily, thanks! The beautiful wide-open vistas of Saskatchewan are breathtaking. While nature is beautiful on its own, I also appreciate the rustic structures that adorn the rugged landscapes and illuminate another dimension of the character of those places. Best, Brett

  40. Brett….Great blog (and thank BTW for checking mine as well.) I travel to Montreal and Quebec City 4 – 5 times a year and find the civility of our northern neighbors refreshing. They remind me of the Danes.

  41. Hi Brett, I have just started my Englishblog for my students in 8th grade and we are currently working with Canada. I noticed that you had “Liked” our post about Toronto, so I took the liberty to link your blog to my students on their facebook page 🙂

    I hope you don´t mind me doing that! It is nice for the students to see that the world is not that big, after all!

    Best wishes from Sweden, Lotta Karlsson, teacher, Halmstad

    • Lotta, thanks for your note. Your project sounds wonderful and I’m glad to have my blog linked on your Facebook page or elsewhere. I’m a big believer in fostering a sense of community and connectedness among people in small and large ways, all of which make important contributions to that end. We have a saying here that you may have heard, “Think globally, act locally”, which nicely captures part of this idea of how we should act within our various communities to make the world a better place.

      Best wishes to you and your students, Brett

  42. Hi Brett,
    Thanks for stopping by my website! I am really enjoying your posts, the artwork you have highlighted, and your photography. I am originally from Rochester, NY, so Stratford, Niagra, and Toronto were frequented. I have always loved the quirkiness of Canada and its culture. Reading your posts, I was recalled to my solo train-trip to Montreal and the weekend I spent there using my French and exploring that wonderful city so many years ago–the train tracks ran along Lake Champlain and I loved how the water lapped the wheels as we edged north. Now I am in Seattle, and I have finally made it to Victoria, Tofino, and Vancouver. All delightful. Where next? I am enthralled with the East and West Kootenays and all the hot-springs I have read about, as well as the Canadian side of our Glacier National Park. I hope, someday, to make it to that place that looms large in my girlhood memories thanks to Anne of Green Gables–Prince Edward Island. I will look around your site to see if you have highlighted any of that area.

    All the best!

    • Kathryn, thanks for your nice comments. It sounds like you’ve had some wonderful travels that also include some terrific Canadian memories — water lapping against train wheels sounds like quite an adventure! All the places you mention have much to recommend them. While I’ve been all over the Atlantic provinces of Canada and highly recommend that side of the country for its gorgeous ruggedness (and for which you’ll find some posts here), Prince Edward Island is the one Atlantic province that I’ve not yet made it to though I’ve come close.

      All the best to you as well! Brett

  43. I love your blog! When I first clicked on it I wasn’t expecting what I found 🙂 And I had no idea you weren’t Canadian heehee. So glad you like our country, I’m kinda partial to it too 😀
    p.s. Love the vintage advertisements!

    • Taishka, thanks! I have a little bit of everything Canadiana on here but mostly arts and culture bits and my photography.

      I like the positive outlook you project on your blog and agree with you about embracing the idea of being and living the change that we want to see in the world. Look forward to following your further thoughts.

      Be good and best wishes, Brett

  44. Hello Brett,
    Thank you for coming and visiting my blog, Life in Russia. When I read your “about” page and a few of your posts I realized you are doing what I’m doing with one minor difference. I’ve been looking for those who want to collaborate in sharing articles, I’ve have been working with several other bloggers and am continuing to look for more. If you are interested please let me know.
    Thanks Steve

  45. Brett, I found my way here from a ‘Like’ you kindly added to my utterly newborn site, LifeformThree.com. I haven’t publicised it yet, so you are one of the very first people to see it – now you’ve added your mark I feel it really exists! Most interesting what you’re doing here, celebrating a naturally beautiful country. The novel my site was created for also celebrates the natural world, with a definite smattering of imaginative technology, so it feels very lucky that you found your way there. Nice to meet you!

    • Roz, thanks. Writing is something I enjoy and I saw some things related to that on your site that caught my interest. Look forward to learning more about your insights.



    • Elizabeth, thanks for your nice comments. I’ve been to Newfoundland for a couple of week-long trips but feel like I only scratched the surface. It’s such a beautiful province in every direction! I have a friend that lives in Grand Falls-Windsor, so I’ve been introduced to the “screech tradition”!

      Good luck wit your blog and your running. I do 10Ks regularly but a marathon is well beyond my level of body abuse, so I’m amazed when I see those who are able to endure such trials.

      Best, Brett

      • Thank you Brett. I’m still learning how to do this and will draw inspiration from your lovely blog. Newfoundland is indeed a unique and beautiful oasis in a spectacular country. Ok, I’m a little biased, but it’s a beautiful place to live. I’m glad you’ve experienced first hand our culture, warmth and geographic diversity. All the best!

  46. Thanks for stopping by, and for the follow. I just realized you are from Atlanta! I have wonderful memories from a family vacation taken in Whistler and Vancouver a few years ago. I have been a fan of Canada ever since!

    • Hey, Elisa,

      Your photos jumped out at me partly because of the subject matter, some of which I recognized, but mainly because they’re quite good!

      I seem to fool a lot of folks who overlook that I’m here in Atlanta and think I’m either in Canada or from Canada. I’m just a fan of that country for many reasons.

      Best, Brett

  47. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have very fond memories of my several visits to Canada: most recently to Whistler, but as a young adult I took a memorable 10 day trip to Canada visiting Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and ending in Quebec. I also have ancestral lines of family history that go into French Canada. gail

    • Gail, thanks for your comments! Sounds like quite a trip back in the day — amazing how impressions from early incidents in life stick with us the way they do!

      Best, Brett

    • Cris, thanks! I’d guess that most weeks maybe more than the readers of my O’Canada blog are Canadian, followed closely by those in the U.S. The header pic is one I took in Capstick, which is up near the northeastern tip of Cape Breton and is one of my favorite places!

      Best, Brett

  48. Thanks for the ‘like’ of I am a Cat; hope you’ll enjoy some of my other posts. Look out for an upcoming one on English tea, that includes my first experience of it a lifetime ago, in Victoria BC. I’ve “dipped into” Canada on both coasts, and here and there in the middle, have yet to do the trans-Canada trip on my bucket list. I see I can get a sense of what some parts of that might be like, reading you.

  49. Hi Brett,

    I am so glad you are writing about my home and native land! As a Canadian living in Chicago, I do find it interesting to hear the American perspective of Canada. Often it is most accurate; however, it can also be considerably skewed. I try to do my part to clarify when I can! I am going to add your blog link to mine. I know others will be so grateful to read your wonderful blog (as am I). Thank you, Brett!

    • Thanks for your kind comments. You’ve chosen a fantastic city — Chicago — in which to be an expat (although we do have some warmer ones!). I like the idea of a Canadian’s views on us Americans, which is a kind of counterpart to my writing here, and I’ve added your link on my blog list as well. Look forward to reading more of your good thoughts. Best, Brett

      • Thank you as well, Brett! Chicago is a wonderful city, isn’t it? Although I must confess that the tropical breezes offered by Maui might be a tad more inviting than the frosty air hovering over Lake Michigan this morning! I like the idea of an American’s views on us Canadians; I think our two perspectives are yin and yang; yes, it will be most interesting to compare and contrast our findings! Thank you again, Brett, and I am confident Atlanta will not find you searching for methods to relieve hypothermia any time soon! All the best, and I too look forward to reading more of your writings!

  50. Hello 🙂

    I trust this message finds you well.

    I’ve had the fortune of being awarded the Dragons Loyalty Award for loyal blog followers/likers/commenters and would like to pass that award on to you to say thank you for following and liking my blog posts : -)

    The award involves posting 7 facts about yourself, awarding upto 15 other people and letting them know as well as thanking the person who awarded you and giving a link back to their blog.

    I hope you don’t mind and whether you join in the game or not is your choice.

    Full details can be found in my post here: http://fashionthatpays.wordpress.com/2014/01/05/dragons-loyalty-award-no-dragons-involved/


    (dapperdolly of fashionthatpays.wordpress.com)

  51. Thanks for liking my post and allowing me to find your blog, Brett! My family and I moved from the US and have been trying our best to process the differences and similarities of the two countries. Your blog is a godsend!

    • James, thanks for your nice comments. That’s quite a change — from sunny Florida to very chilly (at times) Canada! I hope your family is enjoying your new home. Best, Brett

    • Perpetua, thanks and that’s very thoughtful of you! As I’m sure is the case with you and your site, The Seeker, I enjoy maintaining O’Canada without regard to whether it receives any particular recognition. Your well wishes and good thoughts alone are much more than expected and greatly and sincerely appreciated. Best regards, Brett

  52. Your blog is lovely. My husband is Canadian and we go ‘home’ each year, always with some dream of one day returning to live. Your photos from N.B. are fabulous. I’m very curious about the eastern provinces – just such a long road trip with the kids at this age! Thanks for finding us at Radical Farmwives.

    • Coree, thanks so much! Road trips can be such fun, though, and their later memories all the better! Keep doing what you’re doing at your Radical Farmwives site and I look forward to checking back. Best, Brett

  53. Beautiful pictures! A lawyer with a poetic soul interesting combo. Hello Brett, many thanks for Liking my blog entry, much appreciated. Interesting site you have and I look forward to spending more time on it also appreciating Canada, I’m with you there. Love it. A couple of excellent Canadian bloggers you might enjoy are andieduncan and seaangel4444. Worth a visit. Best wishes, Wolfie… and I’ve just spied on your page Cher from seaangel4444! Good stuff.

    • Hey, Wolfie, thanks for your very nice words! I appreciate the suggestion of seaangel4444’s site (The Chicago Files, which I’ve seen and is quite good), and andieduncan’s site (which I’ll look up). Best, Brett

    • Thank you, Wolfie! Your comments are very kind indeed. As a matter of fact, my blog is but a mere 3 weeks old as of today. I shall continue to be the proverbial, “fly on the wall”, as it were, and share my Chicago observations through my Canadian lenses! Please stop by “The Chicago Files” anytime! By the way, Brett’s blog, “O’Canada” is one of my favs. It captures Canada with such spirit and thoughtfulness, and I’m so incredibly glad to be following his adventures. Cher xo

  54. Hi Brett, Thank you for reading my blog. I’m originally from north-east Ohio, and so many people traveled to Canada that we used to get Canadian pennies in our change all the time. My dad used to go on fishing trips to Canada, and almost every vacation my uncle and his wife had, they went to different parts of Canada. I’m going to subscribe to your blog as I enjoy the cartoons and photos very much.

  55. Brett, I love your blog! I must compliment you on your photography! Nice to see history thrown into the mix as well. I was surprised to learn that you’re south of our great shared border, quite a nice thing to see an American find a great deal to love about Canada. Thanks for reading my Canadiana posts as well. Cheers!

  56. hey Brett, really glad you liked my post, I love your blog concept and your awareness for intercultural understanding, I look forward to incorporating some of your insights, feel free to forward me some Canadian art culture for my blog mixingcolorz!

  57. Hey Brett! Always thrilled to see a fellow Atlantan (transplant) here on the internets. Are you ready for the storm? I wonder what the Canadians would think of us 🙂 As a Michigander, I’ve always had a fascination with Canada – so will check your blog regularly.

    • Hey, there! Glad to know you’re here in Atlanta — and, yes, what pleasant weather we’re having lately! I’ve heard from a number of Canadian friends and I think they’re too polite (being Canadian) to share their true sense of wondrous bemusement at our pitiful weather “situations”. Thanks so much for commenting. I look forward to seeing what’s up with the Tipsy Yogi. Best, Brett

  58. Hi Brett – thanks for the like on one of my graphic designs! I like what you’re doing here. Myself, I’ve been having an on-again-off-again-waiting to go again love affair with Vancouver and Victoria Canada for a number of years.

    Keep doing what you do!

  59. I’m from Idaho but now live in Nova Scotia (spent time on Vancouver Island and 8 years just outside of Calgary). I love Canada and just became a citizen. Great Blog.

  60. Thanks for the likes on the posts Brett. I may be from the U.S. of A but I’ve always loved Canada more…small confession right there. Hope you find more to love on my blog. I will definitely be following yours…thanks again, Annabel

  61. Hey Brett, very unique to see some interest from an American cousin. A fascinating story is the building of the trans Canada railway. Originally, Canadian, James Jerome Hill was directing the project and called upon American, Cornelius Van Horne to assist him. J.J. Hill thought that the line should go across the USA border to avoid some muskeg, permafrost land in Canada. However, the American, Van Horne, insisted that it should be an all Canadian route, and the two men disagreed so sharply, that James Hill left the project, and went south of the border to forge the “Inland Empire” around the Great Northern Railway. Meanwhile, Van Horne completed the Canadian Pacific Railway. There were a number of railroad “wars” involving these two men as J.J. Hill attempted to take his GNR into Canada. So ironic and interesting.

    There is a book, McCullock’s Wonder (http://www.amazon.com/McCullochs-Wonder-Kettle-Valley-Railway/dp/1552854027 ), the story of the Kettle Valley Railway. My grandfather, Albin Nord, worked as a navvy on this railway from 1911 to 1916.

    Enjoying your perspective, thanks Brett!

    Maurie Nord, Pusan, South Korea

  62. Hi Brett, we noticed you liked our recent post for the greeting card. We really appreciate it. We also appreciate your love of Canada which we plan to visit some day, and use your blog as a guide.


    • Mark and Heather, I love original cards, cool design, typography and handmade stuff and your creative efforts combine elements of all those. I look forward to seeing more of your great work. Thanks for your comments on my site as well. Best, Brett

  63. Thank you for stopping by my little blog. I have never been to Canada, but would like to go someday; I bet all those pictures of their outdoors do it no real justice (and standing amid a grove of virgin white birch trees during an Ontario autumn afternoon is near the top of my bucket list). Thanks again, and I am now following O Canada!

    • I appreciate your comments on the pictures. New Brunswick has some beautiful places, but I’ve seen many gorgeous places in Quebec and Ontario as well.

  64. Thanks for the Like. One of the fascinating and addictive things about blogging is the interesting people you ‘meet.’
    We’re slightly weird Canadians in our family, with relatives in 5 provinces, homes in Nova Scotia (love your cemetery posts, btw) & Ontario. Now, as a new owner of Florida rental condo, so much of our focus is the other way around from yours: trying to gain better understanding of our American cousins! Hope you’ll visit from time to time at vacationrentalsiestakey.wordpress.com and I’ll be sure to stop by your blog regularly as well.

  65. Thanks for visiting my blog.
    I’m very impressed with the art and photography you highlight on your site. I look forward to receiving your future posts.

    • Eric, thanks so much for your kind thoughts and nomination. I wish you continued success and enjoyment as the very versatile blogger that you are! Best, Brett

  66. Beautiful blog. I’m not from Canada, but, I’ve been there often…Ontario and Sarnia mostly… it’s just a hop, skip and a jump from where I am, over Lake Huron. 🙂

  67. I have relatives who live in Canada and I plan to visit there someday. Wonderful blog. I love your header image. It’s beautiful! By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts. I look forward to exploring your blog soon. Have a great day! 🙂

  68. H Brett,
    My husband and I honeymooned in Canada – specifically Montreal. We stayed at the Hotel de’Champlain (may have changed hands since 1994). We visited so many gorgeous cathedrals and basilicas – all architecturally breathtaking. We even went to the Insectarium and that was most fascinating.

  69. Thanks for following my blog, Brett. As a native Minnesotan who probably mis-perceived Canada more completely than most, I look forward to being set straight! Currently I’m in the process of attempting to correctly perceive Bali, my new home. Culturally, geographically, politically, socially, energetically, it couldn’t be more different than the U.S. It’s a daily challenge not to assume I know anything at all about the people and their practices. The learning curve is steep, but it’s a delightful climb.

  70. Hi Brett….I like your blog and agree that Canadian culture is worth checking out. I wish you well in your adventures and I’m glad to follow along.

    A fellow Canadian 🙂 ~ Dave

  71. Hi Brett, thanks for checking out my post.. I recently read a book entitled Yankee Lady, about three couples who spent two summers cruising from CT up the Hudson, through Lake Champlain and then around the Gaspe Peninsula.. eventually ending up back in CT. One of the constant themes in the book is how pleasant the Canadian folks were along the way and, unfortunately, the striking difference they noticed upon re-entering US waters..

    We love Prince Edward Island.. if we follow in the wake of Yankee Lady, we will certainly get to visit again! jt

  72. Hi Brett
    Really kind of you to have a look around my blog pages…
    Canada is very much on the list of places I HAVE to get to…..My research tells me it is an amazing, (if somewhat challenging), place for a long distance motorcycle ride, so that is my plan. Either next year or 2016.
    If I make it I will, of course, be posting photos.
    Wish me luck.

  73. Hi Brett, I have spent some time in Canada and appreciate the concept of your blog. In 1996 I spent a summer in Guelph, ON and Toronto, ON and took a road trip from NYC to Montreal in 2001. OK now I feel old! But, just wanted to share that I am also a Canada-file and will be checking out your posts.

  74. Thanks for visiting my blog. It is interesting what captures another’s imagination.
    I have visited Canada few times, and always loved the views and people. BUT, I am a Westerner who has visited Western Canada, and I noticed that you are an Easterner who writes more about Eastern Canada.
    I have seen drop-dead gorgeous pics of Eastern Canada, especially the coast, which I would really love to visit in person.

    • Susan, that’s very observant of you to note that I’ve been focusing more on Eastern Canada. I try not to limit myself to one area of the country but because I’ve traveled more extensively in the Eastern provinces, I may have a slight bias that way. The reality is that there are many amazing places to experience throughout the country. Best, Brett

  75. Brett, Glad you liked my post, ‘Photos galore…’ and thank you for letting me know; feedback is so encouraging. I especially like your posts/photographs re: Nova Scotia and particularly the Annapolis Valley where I used to live and to which I long to return (I wrote about living near Bear River in my book: ‘Transition…’.

  76. Thanks for liking my Earth Day post. Canada is such a beautiful country, I can see why you love it.

  77. Hi Brett, Thank you for liking my photo essay on Taranaki, New Zealand. I like your blog, it’s nice to see someone from the states showing an interest in Canada. I am now following you.

  78. Thank you for this wonderful blog. I love the concept and am looking forward to future posts and catching up on some from the past. Just from a quick glance I get the feeling you know more about Canadian culture than many Canadians, myself included.

  79. Hello Brett
    What a lovely blog and photos. I am a Canadian living in Wales and I wonder if you would allow me to reproduce your image of the red tractor by the sea, with credit of course. I am attending a market in London where the theme is “maritime, going on a cruise” which is a long way from my little company’s tractor logo. I am a lavender farmer. I am going to try to decorate my stall with all I can find relating farming to the sea.
    Best wishes and look forward to hearing.

    • Hi, Nancy, thanks for your message and kind words. The life of a lavender farm sounds at once idyllic and, like all farming work, full of challenges. Your products look terrific! Thanks for asking about the tractor image and please feel free to reproduce it if it is of good use to you. I hope your market trip goes well! Best, Brett

  80. I am so glad you liked my post so I am able to discover your blog. We live very close to the Canadian border and love to travel to Kingston for a “big city” fix without the too big city. The countryside in Canada reminds me of Maine – wild, rustic, and beautiful. We picked up our dog Mojo just outside of Kitchener and what struck me on that drive is the beauty of the farms and the brick farm houses! They are all neat as can be with wonderful flowers and not a broken down piece of farm equipment in sight – very unlike the majority of farms around here. I look forward to learning more.

    • Hi, Kathy, thanks for your comment and I think your blog is terrific! It sounds like you are perfectly situated near the border. I agree with the comparison to Maine, at least for the eastern coast of Canada. I will say though that a rusty old piece of broken down farm machinery can make for good photos. Best, Brett

  81. Hi Brett. My name is Aquil Virani and I’m a visual artist, designer and speaker based in Montreal, Quebec. I’m doing a project called Canada’s Self Portrait and I wanted to get in touch through email but couldn’t find your email address on the site. Do you mind sharing it with me? Looking forward to getting in touch. Thanks :: Aquil. (aquil.ca).

  82. Brett–thank you so much for the like of my ‘offside memories.’ Your blog is wonderful and, working with a girl who is married to a Canadian, I can so appreciate your writings and your photos. Call me a follower!

  83. Hi Brett.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I browsed through yours and found it to be very interesting. I know very little about our neighbor up north so, you’re enlightening me on the beautiful country.

    Your photos are wonderfully captured. Just wondering… Do you use HDR? I just noticed how colorful your photos are and how defined the sky is in your photos. They pop off the screen. 🙂

    • Hi, Bobbi, thanks for your kind comments. I have played around with HDR imaging from time to time but very few of my Canada photographs use HDR. Photos with the sky standing out is more due to the luck of an incredibly clear day, because I’ve shot my share of washed out skies (and, of course, there’s a lot of great sky way north!). All the best, Brett

  84. Thanks Brett for liking my blog here2where. I lived in Canada for a couple of years quite some time ago and enjoyed it tremendously. Since on our recent trip we drove to Alaska, I’ll have more posts about Canada.

  85. Hi Brett,
    Thank you for liking my blog. I have lived in Canada since 1985 and am enjoying every minute of it. There is still so much to see and do. Haida Gwaii is still on my wish list as are the Northern Territories and many more places in between.

  86. To my surprise you are dedicating such a peaceful blog, not from another province but from the far American south. I’m so glad we made such an impression upon your visits. Your states have for me too: South Dakota, California, Minnesota, North Dakota. I thought you and your readers might find a few of my articles informative, from authors to major trivia about the Winnipeg, Manitoba region (ie, we invented the 911 emergency phone number). http://cmriedel.wordpress.com/2012/06/27/my-home-and-native-land/ http://cmriedel.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/canadian-literature-2012-2013/

  87. Lovely work, Brett, really lovely. I’m jealous of all the spots you’ve been to in Canada. Thanks also for visiting my blog. I look forward to staying in touch.

  88. Thank you for stopping by my photo blog. I am from New England and traveled to Canada many times growing up. I have enjoyed the time I have spent in various places in Canada. I look forward to your postings.

  89. Yes…the high tides, the ship building history, the lavender sunsets. The beauty. The simplicity.

  90. Hello! Your blog is lovely and I think you could help spread the word about the Center for Puppetry Arts’ upcoming August performance!

    This August, the Center for Puppetry Arts will proudly host the award-winning Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia as they present The Very Hungry Caterpillar and other Eric Carle Favorites. Here is a brief description of the show:

    In their first appearance at the Center, Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia brings some of Eric Carle’s beloved stories to life through the magic of blacklight and fanciful puppets. The Very Hungry Caterpillar eats an amazing variety of foods on his path to becoming a beautiful butterfly. High up in the sky, Little Cloud playfully transforms into various shapes: a sheep, an airplane, a shark, and more. The Mixed-Up Chameleon is bored with his life. In a trip to the zoo, he attempts to emulate the beautiful animals he sees before realizing that there is value in being his own unique self.

    You can watch the trailer and learn more at http://puppet.org/perform/veryhungrycaterpillar.shtml.
    I have also attached a couple photos from the production as well as a media advisory.

    These great Canadian artists will only be in Atlanta for a couple weeks (Aug. 5-17)! We hope that you will join us for this delightful show and spread the word to your readers and other networks.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


    Lauren C

  91. Thanks so much for visiting my Virginia Views blog Brett. My first and oldest best friend here in the U.S.A. was from Port Arthur, Ontario – now called Thunder Bay, so your interpretations and observations will be extra special as I follow you through your explorations of a favorite neighbor.

  92. Thank you for visiting my blog Brett, as I have now discovered yours. I have always felt drawn to Canada, but have yet to visit. Now I can look forward to reading your posts. 🙂

  93. Thank you for visiting my blog and I must say I love yours. I am an American who yearns to live in Canada and make a home there. I think I prefer Toronto or Vancouver. Montreal is beautiful but Toronto looks more like my kind of town plus my French isn’t that great. 🙂

  94. Canada is so lovely and it’s nice to find an American who really appreciates it. I’ve been to Quebec City, Ottawa, and Banff National Park, but have yet to make it to Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto and many other places. Thanks for sharing your appreciation of our northern neighbors.

  95. Hi Brett … Thanks so much for stopping by with a ‘like’ on my blog of ‘I do’ which weaves together a celebration of Prince Edward Island with the joy of our son’s wedding. Growing up in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, very near the Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine borders, I have always had a special appreciation for the New England States.

    Your blog is just lovely … we have many dear friends south of the border. It is touching to read your posts and to share a common desire to strengthen ties between good friends. I will be visiting your blog often, and hope your future visits to Canada will always include a warm welcome.

  96. Thanks so much for the like on my blog. I love Canada too, and when I travel overseas Australia and Canada seems to have an affinity for one another. I’m going to enjoy exploring your blog.

  97. Thank you for stopping by my blog (randomstoryteller.com). I once traveled to Quebec and loved it, especially the small towns (great to practice French). Your pics are lovely. I look forward to reading more, as I hope to travel to Canada in 2015.

  98. Thank you for your visit and you comments on my photo. Also, thank you for reminding me of the beauty of the place where I am so fortunate to have been born. Sometimes we spend so much time dreaming of and longing for far off adventures (especially as a photographer) it is easy to overlook the beauty in our own back yard, which is pretty much where that photo was taken 🙂 I have a road trip through the southern US on my “to be photographed” short list.

    Regards; Cheryl

    • Cheryl, thanks for your nice words. That’s very much how I feel about the beauty all around us and just outside our door, so to speak. That said, there’s also lots to see off the beaten path in the southern U.S. 🙂

  99. Thanks for visiting my blog! I’ve never been to Canada but I’d definitely like to one day. It looks an amazingly beautiful country!

  100. Hi Brett. Thanks for your recent visit to my blog. Your feelings for Canada remind me of my feelings for Spain. I look forward to checking your blog regularly.

    • Hi, Clayton, thanks for your comments. I just clicked over to your Phantom Empire site and in addition to the Mounties material, it looks like you’ve got quite a few other things covered that catch my interest (for instance, I pick at a banjo in the old clawhammer style — but not so often to be very good but I always have fun), so I look forward to reading more on your site. Best, Brett

  101. I see you visited my blog recently. I’m sorry you had to come in a snowstorm, but that is just what it is like sometimes here in Alberta.
    You certainly have collected an impressive amount of information about Canada and your photos are wonderful. It has been a pleasure to see Canada through your eyes.

      • Hi Brett. It’s now May 23, 2016, and it has just snowed. If you ever want to spend time in the Calgary area, schedule it for the summer months of June, July, or August. All the other months can be winterish…

  102. I can’t get enough of these amazing pictures!!! Truly wonderful job here, sir. Thanks for liking my post “yarn flowers and wooden boxes” on morenafresca.wordpress.com. Come back and check out updates coming soon!!

  103. hi 🙂 ur blog surprised me. not only because it´s interesting but also is very well written. i’m planning to visit Canada next year and in your blog I’ve found a lot of interesting info.
    keep your good work

  104. Hi Brett, thanks for stopping by Yalakom. I was a business lawyer too before… well, before I went to Canada. My experience there changed me for forever. I enjoyed visiting your website, nice images! See you around WP 🙂

  105. Thanks for the like on my blog post. It lead me to your blog and I’m glad it did. As a Canadian living in SW Virginia, I am thrilled by your affection for my country :-). I’m enjoying looking through your blog.

  106. Hi Brett
    Thanks for finding my blog. Speaking as an American married to a Camdaian let me simply say this. After living in Alberta for six years and being back in the US for 7 years; do not try to make sense of the ignorance of Americans when it comes to anything outside America. Unless there is some fundamental change in the elites that tun the USA it will never change

    Be like me and appreciate the fact that you know how awesome canada is except for the cold of course and just leave it at that

    Trying to change a nation with a media and goverenment hellbent on staying an empire and comitted to a never ending war on an entire religion will never change and Canada will always remain uniquely different even though the culture seems so similar

  107. Hi Brett –

    Thanks for finding me…and allowing me to find YOU! Your perspective is exciting, and I’m looking forward to reading more. I’m in the middle of my journey through BC and have just arrived in Sechelt from Courtenay. What an amazingly beautiful area of the world… Where are you now?


  108. Wow! I am happy to have stumbled upon your blog. There are so many inaccurate statements and beliefs made about Canada. I think it is simply a lack of education about our country. Also, for some strange reason, many Americans do not come over to explore Canada, even when they live an hour away. It has always baffled me. Thanks for spreading the facts about our beautiful country! Looking forward to following your blog! 🙂

  109. thanks for liking my gluten free bread recipe on my blog ‘breathoffreshness.com’ I hope you enjoy the recipe. it is amazing the followers you have for such a niche blog, people love your photography and Canada.. I have to admit I like the photography of the cow statues…they do invoke a feeling that you’re far far away, your photo brought that out…bye for now

  110. Hi Brett, great blog you have…and since I am Dutch woman who lived in Canada for almost 8 years ( both my sudent sons still live in Toronto) and moved to Ohio in 2012..I will follow your blog with interest! Thanks for stopping by at my blog, Johanna

  111. As a born & raised Canadian currently living in Ottawa, I’m loving your unique perspective! We’ve always known we are special and now you have proven it, grrr takes an American to show us 🙂 You should spend more time in the diverse and beautiful Ottawa/Gatineau region.

  112. Hey Brett.
    It is kind of you to introduce yourself to me. I love the premise of your blog, and everything I have seen is very good. Promoting Canada, imagine…….love it!!
    It’s Jerome @ bisonbowlsblog

    Best wishes.

  113. I have not been to Canada yet but through the experience working with Canadian people, I have found Canadians easy to work together or hang out. Someday I want to visit Canada and I will learn about Canada and prepare for my future trip there through your posts.

  114. Most impressed on your blog on Canada. Rarely seen such a complete work on one country. My family has been living in Canada since 1662. It is a pleasure to read your entries. Thank you.

    • Thanks so much for visiting the site and for your kind words. Your family’s longtime connection to Canada is quite impressive (and that’s a lot of history). I see you also have some interesting stories to share on your site. Very nice!

  115. One of the most unique blogs that I have come across so far. Love how you are bringing a place that you love so much, to the world. I am from India, living now in California and have visited Canada once when my husband and I went to Vancouver. I was awestruck by the beauty of the place. Want to see so much more of Canada. Thank you for this blog that you have created. 🙂


  116. Thank you for your ‘like’ at zenpunkmusic.com, Brett. As a Canadian abroad, I’m glad to have found your blog; your observations and images are delightful. I look forward to further posts. Cheers!

  117. As a dual US/Canadian citizen and having been a resident of both countries, I’m happy to have found this blog through your like on my Haiku.

    Canada is a wonderful place to live and work. In fact, if I didn’t have family down here in Florida I would probably still be there.

    Please keep posting. Oh, and I love your photography!

  118. I tried to go dual when I first moved to Canada almost 40 years ago but the US rule at the tme was that i would have to give up my US citizenship so I just maintained a landed immigrant status for over 20 years. Then, as I was at the US Embassy in Ottawa to update my passport I mentioned it and was told that the law had changed and I could now retain my US citizenship and apply for Canadian as well. The Canadian government never minded one way or the other. So, I took the Canadian Citizenship test and now I’m a dual citizen.

  119. Brett, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for always giving the ‘thumbs-up’ to my own StruckByWanderlustBlog.wordpress.com. It is sincerely appreciated !

  120. I think the topic of Canadian culture is an interesting topic – not shocking as I am Canadian. My perception has always been that Americans are so sure of who they are and how they define themselves, and relative to that, Canadian culture is kind of vague and non-descript. It’s not that we don’t know who we are, but perhaps that we don’t take the time and effort to define what that means to us. Outside of saying ‘eh’ a lot, continuously stating the obvious and being unbearably polite, we don’t seem to bother to much with it. Which makes me intrigued by your blog. It’s very interesting and I will check back often. Thank you for sharing your unique perspective!

    • Susanne, thanks and I agree that Canadian culture is a interesting topic, especially from an American viewpoint. As major North American countries we’re connected in many ways but there is a great deal about one another with we’re simply unaware — or at least on this side of the border that seems to be the case.

  121. Well, I think you and I must be carbon copies of each other (but in reverse). I’m a Canadian as you can probably tell from my Blog (Vancouver Visions), but I was raised on a travelling Carnival for 13 years that toured Canada and the United States. When I finally settled back in Canada it seemed I was always defending my American friends from the misconceptions of my Canadian friends who really had no first-hand knowledge to back up their views on what the average American was like (too much TV, Hollywood movies, and unfounded propaganda). The simple fact is that I know great people on both sides of this border, and there are plenty of times when I personally would be quite content if that border were to just disappear (though i realize that’s not really feasible). Anyway, I think you’ve got a great idea here, and I’ll be checking you out regularly. And by the way, thanks for popping by my site earlier, it’s much appreciated.

    • Hi, Brian, thanks for your kind comments. We all have so-called doppelgangers out there or degrees of such, so it’s always interesting to see how that sort of thing pops up from time to time. A carnival is quite a backdrop! Keep doing the good things that you’re doing. Best, Brett

  122. Hi Brett. Thanks for visiting me at Purple Thought Stream. I am Canadian and am enjoying your words and fabulous photos of my great country. I look forward to following you! Jo

  123. Thanks for your like and for following me, Brett. And I am curious if you have been to my part of Canada, the Annapolis Valley? And if so, what are your thoughts on it? I moved here from another, more central part of Nova Scotia, a bit over a year now. We love it here. It’s so nice to read about your appreciation of Canada…makes me appreciate it more as well!

    • Thanks so much for your nice comments and keep doing the good things you are doing on your apples & cardomom site. I enjoy your site and topics quite a lot!

      About the Annapolis Valley, I know it quite well and it’s tied for my and my wife’s destination of choice when we visit Nova Scotia.(The other place is the northeastern part Cape Breton.) I love the beautiful rolling farm fields in the valley with the mountains majestically guarding the gorgeous Bay of Fundy coastline. In fact, after considering many options, we’re in the process of looking for property somewhere in the Annapolis Valley –so maybe we’ll be neighbors! 🙂

      Best wishes,


  124. What a cool blog. I’m Canadian so I’m biased. 😊 I’m curious to see your point-of-view. I’m sure it’s been mentioned before but we don’t all say “Eh”, and yes we do love our Timmies (Tim Hortons). Cheers.

  125. Hello Brett. Thanks for liking my blog and the fact that it brought me to yours. I have relatives in Ontario, so I guess that makes me part Canadian. When we were traveling through Canada this year we were delighted by the friendliness of the Canadian people and how down to earth they were. I don’t know why I would have expected any other than that, but had not been in Canada for awhile. We loved Jasper National Park, the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, Campobello Island and Roosevelt’s summer home. One thing we noticed was how well kept the Canadian public parks were. It was a real pleasure to visit them.

  126. Pingback: Award! | Larry Muffin At Home

  127. Brett, just discovered your blog. I am going to love ambling through it as I am a Canadian living away from home. Quick question – since I noticed your latest posts are on Nova Scotia have you done any research on the artist Jack Gray? Amazing seascapes etc. Also, in Nova Scotia is the Huston North Gallery. Interesting Inuit history attached to the gallery 😉 Thanks for this blog… wonderful!

    • Heather, thanks for your nice comments. I don’t recall Jack Gray or the Huston North Gallery and will make a point of looking up both very soon. Thanks very much for those suggestions. All the best, Brett

  128. I salute you, also your post “Snopes.com: Canada’s Connection to Debunking Internet Nonsense”.
    I might consider that more good stuff from above.
    I am very glad to meet you Mr. Brett Lockwood from Atlanta. I had the first impression that you were the Canadian. But I see that your love for Canada is almost enough to qualify you as a resident.

    I will be back and read more on your blog and enjoy the incredible pictures of that beautiful land just to the north of us. I am from South Dakota and had relatives living near Rocky Mountain House, Alberta since 1905. We drove up to Alberta back in 1984 the most friendly people I do believe, every car that passed us there was a hand waving to us in the rear view mirror. They were waving, this wasn’t a hand signal you would find south of the border by many people filled with road rage today.

    I can see that I will enjoy revisiting your blog, looks like you have a lot of work and heart in it, thank you again.
    Thanks for the visit to my blog.

    • Hi, Leland. Thanks for your nice comments. That area of the upper-middle U.S. near the border with Canada is fascinating to me, especially because of the challenges of tough winter weather that must be endured by residents on both sides of that border. I imagine that, among other things, that fosters a strong sense of resilience and an appreciation of others and one’s community. All the best, Brett

  129. Thank you for commenting on my blog post about celebrating my 60th birthday in Niagara Falls. I have added your blog to my reader. You have been to many places in Canada that I hope to visit some day.

  130. Brett- thanks very much for liking my post. I hope that the next time (the first time?) you come to Montreal you will stop by the gallery so that I meet you and introduce you to the world of vintage posters … Happy Sunday and thanks again!
    Best, Karen

  131. Hi Brett, thanks for your interest in my blog — and in our country, for that matter! One of the best things about WordPress is the chance to visit other lands & cultures through the perceptions & generosity of fellow bloggers. A less frequent benefit, but the one you offer, is the chance for people to learn more about their own place through the perceptions & generosity of a fellow blogger. (And now excuse me, I want to start exploring what you have to say.)

    • Hi, Penny, what you say is true about being able to appreciate things by seeing them through the eyes of others. Keep up your walking and exploring as well! Best, Brett

  132. Hello! How could I even resist when the title says O Canada! Like the chant of my own soul. I too am in love with a country too far away but filled with so many great stories and memories. Really enjoying your “walk” through the provinces!

    • Thanks for your very nice comment. I see you’re now in Malaysia, which is quite different from Canada but likely is full of new discoveries.

      • Yes I am finally back home after years away but still long for Canada, Ontario and Alberta in particular. Yes Malaysia has changed a lot since I have been away and am waiting to explore again!

  133. What a great theme to orient your blog focus around! I am from the Pacific Northwest, and I am constantly surprised at the somewhat limited exchange across the border. Located a mere 3 hours from the BC border, many people have never traveled to Canada (or Mexico for that matter!) just out of curiosity.

    I find Canada to be rich in hospitality, culinary delights, natural beauty and now I see artistic expression! I look forward to exploring more while following along here.

    • Melissa (I think), I’m with you. I’m amazed at how many people in the States haven’t visited Canada. The country and its people have their issues like just about any place but there are some wonderful people and things to be found there as well.

  134. Thanks for coming by. I’m a Swedish person, living in Saint John, New Brunswick. At first, I lived for five years in Quebec City. Now I feel that I am where I’m supposed to be.

  135. quite an endeavour – have you had a chance to explore the first nations up here? They are an integral part of what makes us different, and an awful lot of Canadians know very little about their histories, languages, cultures, beliefs, perspectives, etc. Lots of good reading if you’re interested, but it strikes me that your journey is about meeting people and experiencing first hand.

    my favourite way to explore.
    nice to see.

    • I’ve visited some of the First Nations communities on the east and west coasts of Canada and in the States. That part of the history of the Canadian (and America) is both fascinating and tragic. There’s more I want to learn about these peoples, particularly those in the more northerly regions. It’s intriguing to me how people so long ago figured out how to adapt to their demanding environment. On a related note, I read and posted an excerpt from Joseph Boyden’s Orenda on my blog and its tale about some of the first contact between First Nations and European people is riveting.

      • Joseph Boyden’s a great place to start – I suggest “Green Grass Running Water” by Thomas King. There is currently a big resurgence in First Nations in Canada, they are the fastest growing demographic – so, they have endured the worst of it, and have survived to remind us that they’re still here, still relevant, and still full of the best ideas on how to live here.
        much respect Brett – thanks for dropping in.

  136. Brett, thanks for liking my blog! I like yours too. The photos are lovely and make me want to travel more in Canada! So much to see, so little time. 🙂

  137. Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I thought your statement of how Americans view Canadians was interesting. This is just how many Canadians feel about Americans. Usually the negative opinions come from people who have never been there or met Americans on their own soil. My husband and I travel to the States every year if we can, and we are always impressed by how friendly and welcoming Americans are. We are also impressed by people’s attitude about their work, however menial it may be. Americans seem to like their jobs and this is something that is sadly lacking in our own country.

      • The first comment most Canadians make about Americans is that they are loud.There are loud people on both sides of the border, but we really notice a difference in the smiles on American faces in any food service establishment and the sour faces and sometimes rudeness of the Cdns. in the same jobs on our side of the border. I sometimes want to say to an employee – “Do you like your job?” Most of the time our experience in the US has been of very friendly service. I’m tired of hearing my Cdn friends putting Americans down. It’s sheer ignorance on the part of Cdns to judge everyone by one or two Americans they’ve met who really are loud or rude. I’ve met them too, but they are very rare.

  138. I have always appreciated the beauty and culture of Canada but only through the eyes of someone else. I hope to make it there someday but until then, I look forward to seeing your perspective. Great blog!

  139. Add me to your long list of Canadadmirers, Brett. I am grateful to live so near the border. Not that I’d ever be allowed to emigrate, but frequent escapes to your refreshing country are…well, refreshing.

  140. I happened upon your blog and photos rather by accident while searching for images of a small church in the Annapolis Valley, and I’m so glad I did! I direct a University Chapel Choir, and we will be singing a service at the small, historic church in the small community of Harbourville, on the edge of the Bay of Fundy. Would you consider granting permission for me to use the photo of the pew as part of our promotional material, with credit of course? It is such an evocative photo, and immediately places the viewer in a timeless, sacred space.

    • Hi, John,

      Thanks for your message and I’m very happy for you to use that image or any of the others. I assume this is for Acadia University’s Chapel Choir, which I’ve not heard but, being very familiar with that University, I’m sure the Chapel Choir is excellent.

      Your concert in Harbourville, which is a wonderful community on the Bay of Fundy, sounds terrific and I wish you the best with the performance.

      Best wishes,


  141. Wonderful concept for a blog! I grew a few miles south of the Peace Bridge in Buffalo, but other than occasional trips to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, a college field trip to Toronto, and a driving trip to Souris, Manitoba, in the winter of 1979 to witness a total solar eclipse, I haven’t explored Canada much. I hope to remedy that in the coming years. Keep up the good work!

  142. Thanks for stopping by my blog…I’m finally getting my act together to visit some of the blogs on my stacked-up “to see” list. Happy to have found this one even if it did take two months to do it!

      • Hi Brett,
        I was hoping to contact you via e-mail. I’m a public engagement coordinator at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery, and would like to ask you a few questions. If possible, could you send me a quick email?

  143. Hi Brett, Just found out about you but will update my new book on U.S./Canada understanding as soon as I can. (Years in the making). Happy to send you a copy, need address. My website is americanada.us, soon to be converted to a blog. (Writing from a different blog). I’m stateside.

  144. Brett,

    With your interest in Canadian art and culture, you might be interested in “The Many Deaths of Tom Thomson.” As you likely know, Thomson is one of Canada’s best-known landscape painters, and a peer of the painters who formed the Group of Seven. He died under mysterious circumstances in 1917.

    The book includes the most comprehensive survey to date of first-hand testimony and associated archival records related to Thomson’s demise, and uses this information to assess the century of speculation regarding Thomson’s cause of death and the disposition of his remains.


    • Hi, Gregory, thanks for sharing this link. I’m a big fan of Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven, but I was unaware of the mysterious circumstances of his death. Brett



  147. Thanks for finding our site and liking our post. We think you have an incredible blog and you are sharing so much information. We’re in Minnesota so our Canadian neighbors are really close. Keep up the great work!
    Hemingway, Steinbeck and The Mom (Pam)

  148. Hi Brett, Thank you so much for “liking” my dyspeptic Canada Day ode! And I’m thrilled to discover your blog. In case you hadn’t noticed, Canadians are riveted by what Americans say about us and our country, if they say anything at all, that is!

    In fact after seeing so many American friends discussing Canada on this page I began to hyperventilate and had to be calmed with several cups of Red Rose tea and a butter tart. OK, two butter tarts.

    Look forward to exploring your blog,


    David Roddis

    • Hi, David, you packed a lot into your ode (as you appear to do with all your posts)! Keep the irreverence coming — good stuff!

      Thanks for your comments. In light of recent events down here in the U.S. (you guys may want to build a wall for your own good), the goodness that is distinctly Canadian is having a well-deserved moment.

      Best, Brett

  149. What a great blog!!
    How right you are – there’s really SO little said and known about Canada, especially down here in California. Through blogging I’ve gotten to know, and see, some more of the country, and each time I’m more and more impressed.
    What is it with the U.S. and the complete ignorance of Canadian culture? I just don’t get it. When I moved here, I realized Americans know less about their immediate neighbor country than I know about countries on the other side of the world. Visiting Canada is now on my bucket list!

    • Elinor, thanks. I agree that writing (such as with blogging) is a good way to learn about other places. Canada has a lot to offer if you ever visit there. Best, Brett

  150. Hello Brett,
    I grew up in the small community where you photographed the St. Croix Cove Baptist church. I was surprised and delighted to see photos of the church I grew up in. We, the community, are putting together a Go Fund Me page to raise funds for a new roof, paint, windows etc… Is it OK with you that we use some of your photos of the church on the funding page? If yes, we can add a water mark with your name to give you credit.
    Thank-you for visiting and taking such lovely photos for everyone to see.

    • Hi, Darla,

      Thanks for your message. Please feel free to use whatever photos of mine that you’d like for your fundraising campaign.

      Also please let me know of the Go Fund Me page as I’d be happy to donate as well to the restoration of this beautiful gem of a church.

      All the best,


  151. Hi Brett,
    I started blogging in 2012, so it seems grand to continue to meet new people.
    Thank you for stopping by and I also notice your liking posts.
    I’m composing an award nomination post (Liebster Award on 6-16-17) for new blogging friends. Hope you don’t mind being on the list. No obligations in posting about this, just may get a few visitors, which is always nice to expand readers, too.
    I started in one direction, posted articles, essays, love stories of strangers and family, as well as a few poems and wordplays. My first date in college was with a Brett M. He is the only Brett I have ever been friends with. Funny how there’s lots of other names in triplicate or more. Glad to meet you! ~Robin

    • Hi, Robin,

      Thanks for your message and kind words. I can’t recall how I stumbled upon your site but, having done so, I’ve enjoyed reading your observations and seeing your photos. So count me as a happy follower. Keep being you!

      All the best,


  152. Thanks for checking out my posts, Brett.They mostly pertain to my recently published book. As well as finding my father, I also found my mother, but not until after she died—daughter of a family of Ukrainian homesteaders to Alberta. At a 2009 family reunion I met 50 cousins. Saw some of them again in March just before my Seattle book launch. Took the Vancouver ferry, several have moved to Vancouver/Victoria. Improved climate and culture I suppose. I hope to visit them again. Canada is enchanting.

  153. Thanks for finding and liking my recent blog post – it led me to your intriguing and beautiful blog. Since you have an appreciation for all things Canada, I thought I’d let you know about a cookbook a good friend of mine published last year full of Newfoundland recipes, with a modern twist. It’s called Storm the Kettle

    Happy travels. I have a feeling I’ll pay your blog a visit frequently.

    • Gwen, while Coca-Cola is big company in Atlanta I don’t think it registers as a factor for me. Your writing about the soft drink companies caught my interest because certain things related to pop culture fascinate me. Plus your writing is well done. 🙂

  154. Pingback: Recti/Curvi – Linear | WALKING WOMAN

  155. Pingback: Finding Everyday Inspiration: Humans Have It the Worst – Mara Eastern

  156. Thanks for raising awareness of Canadian culture in your blog! Also thanks for having a look at my humble blog ‘klopp-family.com’. As an immigrant from Germany of more than 50 years ago, I also learned to appreciate Canada’s values and cultural diversity.

  157. Hi Brett,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog O’ Canada has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 75 Canadian Music Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 75 Canadian Music Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  158. Hi Brett,

    I appreciate how much you love Canada! I have so many American friends who know absolutely nothing about my country but expect me to know all about theirs. Over the years I have grown to love where I live so much and am glad you have too!



  159. Great blog, Brett! What do you enjoy most about Canada? What would you say is a good first place to go to connect with people and culture?

    • Hi, Dylan, thanks! There are really so many wonderful places in the country to go to connect with people and culture. So I think it depends on one’s main interests and then going from there while being open to allowing serendipity to work its magic. My blog tries to illuminate some of those possibilities, but, of course, only scratches the surface.

      • Congrats on your walk between Seattle to the Canadian border, by the way, which I just reminded myself of when I looked back at your post about this. Nice way to help with a cause and make very human connections along the way. I hope you keep doing amazing things — be they large or small, it all counts.

  160. Last year I experienced the Canadian Rockies for the first time and found them more impressive than their American counterpart. In contrast, the Alberta badlands weren’t as exciting as our Badlands National Park. On the other hand, the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller has no rival in the Dakotas. In short, both countries have great things to see. It’s good of you to show Americans more of what’s north of the border.

  161. Hi Brett,
    It’s lovely to meet you. Thanks for visiting my blog! I appreciate it. 🙂

    The focus for your blog is really beautiful. Sounds like you find Canada and its people/culture inspiring
    Love that you share that here.

    I find the work you do at Smith, Gambrell & Russell interesting. It peaked my curiosity! Would love to hear more about that. If you’re open to sharing, you can email me. My email is weloveyou@forgivingconnects.com. (Perfect for a forgiveness blog.)

    Blessings to you. Thanks again for visiting, Brett,

  162. I’ve only been to Canada once or twice but during both visits, I admired their culture as well! I’m from the USA but traveling the world for now. I wouldn’t mind making a trip back to Canada sometime soon! Nice to meet you!! Great about page!

  163. I did school in Toronto and Victoria and am now residing in Edmonton. The photography and art you show here really tells the feeling of Canadian life. As an visual artist, I think about culture a lot…where does our culture lie? I think surely it must contain something more than Hockey scenes and landscapes. So, it is interesting to see what you have compiled here as an outsider looking in.

    • Hi, Erik, thanks! Culture, of course, is a broad concept and touches many aspects of our lives and is often hard to define. But when one looks around and connects dots of commonalities, that starts to give definition to culture. (I’m curious about Edmonton, by the way. Still on my to-do travel list.)

  164. (Sorry Edmontonians)…our city IS a very, very, very big town…, not a high traffic city but one where we still have air to breathe, wide roads to drive on and a huge sky to sing a high C to. Yes, especially with the many different clouds that pass by us every week!

    Brett, you just gave me an idea…and after a week’s work, I have composed all the cloud and Edmonton sky photos I took from the last decade and combined them into a video of 40 images (2 from SF)…enjoy!


  165. I enjoy reading about my home country, from your view. Thanks for exploring my blog ‘The Sandy Chronicles.’ I look forward to seeing more of your posts. – Sandy

  166. Thank you for stopping by on my post about female solo travel. I’m glad you did, because I clicked on your blog out of curiousity after that.

    Your blog is so beautiful and insightful. I’ve always wanted to check out Canada and your posts make me want to do that all the more now. I hope you keep writing! Have a lovely day 🙂

    (I’m a law student, so the way you’ve continued to update this space through the years in spite of how hectic the legal profession can get is pretty damn amazing.)

    • Hi, Joanelle, thanks. I definitely think Canada is a terrific place and worth exploring. Keep going with your blog and your studies. All the best, Brett

  167. Hey Brett,
    I’m a transplanted Canadian, I grew up across Ontario and in Saint John NB. While I may now be in SC, I will always be a Canadian.
    I am also one of the Canadian creatives your blog is about. It would be amazing if you could put a review up of my book ‘The Coldest Girl’. A kids book inspired by my daughter who was born in Saint John during a ridiculous cold snap.

    You can find the book here

    Any love given is greatly appreciated.

    Matthew Hooper

  168. English

    Hello Friend. I am Sławek and I live in Poland. Wandering on the Internet, I found your blog where I was interested in our shared hobby. For several years I have been a collector of sewer covers. Apart from Polish, Dutch, Chinese, Swiss and German, I have several from Toronto. My friend and wife are sending them to me. They are elderly people, so they can’t find much in their hiking trips. Please forgive the question, are you interested in a collector’s exchange to enrich yours and my album? It would be a very nice touch if you would give me the copyright to the manhole covers photos you have taken. Regardless of your answer, thank you and best regards.

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