Seen Its Better Days


Antique Farm Combine, Near Clarence, Nova Scotia


In Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley wintery weather maintains its grip late into March as the province bounces back from the fierce winds and driving snow of this past week’s Noreaster.ย  Although this old relic of a farm combine sits in a forlorn state shortly after the storm, it’s a beautiful piece of machinery with its pops of orange-red on the wheels and threshers contrasting nicely with the muted colors of the rest of the combine and the bleak surroundings.




15 responses

  1. Beautiful photos! Having lived among the corn and soybean fields of Michigan for so many years, the Combine is kinda sad, yet says so much about the climate in terms of weather, and politics both in Lansing and Virginia. Michigan will always be True North for me. Seems the belt and pulley system would be frequently popped off. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜ณ

  2. I’ve noticed that farm machinery left out in places away from the coast have less rust than those near the (salty) sea. There’s something sad about machinery like this left behind to remind us of another time.

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